, European energy futures market price aggregator

The website

I decided to create simple European energy future price aggregator for the sole reason that I couldn’t find any online. All price information is downloaded from The tool displays prices from multiple days and prices can be compared together to see how the price might progress in the future. Included is also simple Tax calculation which could help you to reach your conclusion of the future price development.

Technical explanation for futures themselves can be search on the internet, but simple example could be an airline which can secure petrol for the next year at a fixed price by buying petrol future that expires one year later. Same market fundamentals work with energy, but individuals do not have access to this market. When a consumer applies for a 1 year fixed-duration deal with electricity supplier, the supplier buys 1 year energy future to protect themselves from any price instabilities.

The website is a single page app, where the front is running with Vue 3 (with chartjs, i18n), .NET Core 6, SQL Server and Azure functions in Azure cloud. The source code is freely available from


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