Creating spotlight shader in Cocos2d-x 3.0

Hi! I’ve been working on a game project with Cocos2d-x 3.0. From time to time as I’m searching for documentation I can’t find any clear examples of how thing x works. So for now I decided to write simple samples/tutorials for such topics. The first one will be creating light shader for a dark scene. … Read more

How to allow WordPress updates, plugin and theme installs in Amazon EC2

Hello, so I just had a bit of a fight with WordPress trying to get it to install updates automatically for itself and my plugins. I have manually been installing updates by connecting through ssh to my Amazon EC2 server which is little too complicated to do often. So this guide presumes you have installed … Read more

I made LadderX for Ludum Dare 30 48h competition

Hi, long time since last post. Anyway, I participated in Ludum Dare 48h game development competition which ended about 12 hours ago. Because I haven’t taken a part in these kind of competitions before, I thought I’d have hard time getting my game completed in such a short time. Theme was “Connecting worlds”. The theme … Read more

Cocos2d-x 2.x keyboard implementation for Mac OS X

In case someone has problems implementing Mac Cocos2d-x 2.x keyboard like I did, here is link to GitHub with working solution: I have provided sample project with the implementation code. I downloaded the original code from somewhere in Cocos2d-x forums and modified it properly to work with Mac OS X. All you have to do, … Read more

Senile Bird released for iOS and Android!

For the last month I’ve been developing my first complete game called Senile Bird. It is indeed inspired by Flappy Bird with little modifications I thought would make Senile Bird better. Game page: Senile Bird My game projects until this, have been mostly unfinished projects that I’ve lost faith in after the initial burst of … Read more