Hill Climb Racing – Deconstructed – Car, controls, camera, coins and fuel cans

Hello, in the last chapter we went through on how to create terrain and now we will focus on creating four main things we now lack. We will start by creating car which can be driven with reverse and accelerate pedals. In order to keep the car centered on the screen, we will create camera … Read more

How to develop Hill Climb Racing using Cocos2d-x

I decided to start writing a tutorial which covers creating a similar gameplay experience compared to Hill Climb Racing, which is very popular game for mobile devices and which in my opinion cover some essential aspects of developing games for limited mobile platforms. We will be developing Hill Climb Racing using Cocos2d-x v3.0 engine. As … Read more

Creating spotlight shader in Cocos2d-x 3.0

Hi! I’ve been working on a game project with Cocos2d-x 3.0. From time to time as I’m searching for documentation I can’t find any clear examples of how thing x works. So for now I decided to write simple samples/tutorials for such topics. The first one will be creating light shader for a dark scene. … Read more

I made LadderX for Ludum Dare 30 48h competition

Hi, long time since last post. Anyway, I participated in Ludum Dare 48h game development competition which ended about 12 hours ago. Because I haven’t taken a part in these kind of competitions before, I thought I’d have hard time getting my game completed in such a short time. Theme was “Connecting worlds”. The theme … Read more